Grim Philly History & Tours

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Terms and Conditions

Grim Philly Tours

Terms and Conditions

Here’s the liability, release and waiver, in human language

If you participate in a Grim Philly Tour, you are agreeing to the following:

  • I am taking a Grim Philly Tour voluntarily and am in good health.
  • I understand there are risks to walking in public.
  • I accept personal responsibility for anything that happens to me, like if I get hurt or lose something.
  • I release Grim Philly Tours and anyone working for it, including contractors, from any claims or liability for damages.
  • If something bad happens to me during the tour, it’s not Grim Philly’s fault.
  • If part of this waiver is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable, it doesn’t mean the whole thing is.
  • If I agreed to it, Grim Philly can take photos and video during the walking tour and can use my image, likeness, recordings of me in any format to promote their tours or any other way they like without having to pay me anything for it, ever.
  • If I get hurt or need medical attention, Grim Philly can arrange it, but it’s not their duty to do so.

  • I participate in a Grim Philly Tour at my own risk. I will NOT sue Grim Philly Tours for any reason.

Here’s the liability, release and waiver in legalese. You should read it.

Voluntary Participation. I understand and confirm that my participation in a Grim Philly Tour is voluntary. I am in good health and suffer from no physical or mental condition that would make me susceptible to injury or disability while participating in the tour.

Understanding Risks. I am aware of the risks, dangers and hazards involved in my participation in a Grim Philly Tour. I understand that the Grim Philly walking tours take place in public venues under conditions largely beyond the control of Grim Philly Tour leaders and the Company. Potential risks may include, but are not limited to, uneven walking surfaces, potholes, raised path edges, wet or slippery ground, steps, curbs, low lighting, narrow walkways, traffic movement, road crossings, diversions due to construction or exposure to weather conditions.

Assuming Risks. I assume all risks involved in participation in a walking tour provided by Grim Philly Tours. I accept personal responsibility for any liability, injury, loss, or damage in any way connected with my participation in a Grim Philly Tour.

Release of Liability. I release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Grim Philly Tours, its principals, affiliated entities, parent companies, subsidiaries, present and former employees, owners, officers, members, managers, partners, contractors, insurers, shareholders, and directors (collectively “Released Entities”) from any and all claims, actions, damages, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses for death, injury, loss or damage of property, in any way arising out of my participation in a Grim Philly Tour, including, without limitation, any and all claims resulting from the negligence of the Released Entities.

Indemnity Agreement. I indemnify and hold harmless the Released Entities from any loss, liability, damage or cost that they may incur for losses and damages which may be brought against me or against any of them by anyone claiming to be injured (including death) or whose property is damaged as a result of my actions arising from or during a Grim Philly Tour.

If any portion of this Waiver is held to be invalid it is agreed that the balance of the Agreement will remain valid and enforceable.

Promotion Release. I agree to grant to Grim Philly Tours a royalty-free license to use my photographic, video, or digital likeness, in whole or in part, taken during a tour, solely for promotional, educational, and/or Grim Philly purposes.

Consent to Medical Treatment. I authorize Grim Philly Tours to provide me with customary medical assistance, transportation, and emergency medical services as the result of injury or health condition. This consent does not impose a duty upon Grim Philly Tours to provide such assistance, transportation, or services. I have the right to refuse medical assistance and understand Grim Philly will provide assistance if I am incapacitated.

By purchasing a Grim Philly Tour ticket and/or participating in a Grim Philly Tour I agree to the aforementioned Terms and Conditions. All Terms and Conditions are binding.

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